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How to Create and Curate structured FLN Digital Learning content?

 iPrep by iDream Education, enabling NCERT and NCF-aligned foundational literacy and numeracy FLN digital learning content.

Imagine this scenario: You’ve just moved into a new house and it’s time to assemble that brand-new bookshelf you’ve been eyeing. You eagerly open the box,

  • To find a jumble of wooden panels, screws, nuts, bolts, and various tools,
  • But there’s no instruction manual to guide you

Suddenly, your excitement turns into a feeling of overwhelm and confusion. Where do you even start? How do all these pieces fit together?

This is precisely the challenge faced by many primary school teachers. They are required to balance various responsibilities, including managing socio-emotional interactions in the classroom and achieving high cognitive outcomes. The situation is even more demanding at Anganwadi centers, where limited coordinators must cater to students of different age groups and ensure their education, food, nutrition, social interactions, and more. As a result, their focus on foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN) skills in the early grades becomes somewhat blurred.

Designing effective lessons, and combining different resources feels overwhelming, impacting the learning of children in foundational years.

What is the need for Structured FLN Digital Learning Content?

Just like assembling a bookshelf without instructions would likely result in a shaky, unstable structure, creating digital content without a clear plan can lead to disjointed learning experiences that fail to engage young learners or support their developmental needs. The abundance of teaching resources can feel like a jumbled mess of parts without a cohesive plan to bring them together.

Some Challenges Faced by teachers/coordinators in preschools/Anganwadi centers in structuring teaching:

  • Time-consuming Pre-Class Activities:

Preschool/Anganwadi teachers face a constant struggle against time, and often juggle around the responsibilities of creating lesson plans, classroom activities, and interactive assessments. Balancing curriculum guidelines, addressing diverse learning needs, and managing a plethora of activities, all while tackling administrative tasks, leaves them with limited time and resources. The responsibility of crafting engaging lesson plans and comprehensive assessments for multiple subjects and competencies is a concern. This, in turn, impacts the quality of early education, as teachers may find it difficult to maintain structured teaching while ensuring assessments and activities are engaging and effective.

  • Limited Engaging Content: 

There have been targeted efforts through State Nipun Bharat initiatives to enhance educational outcomes. Still, teachers in numerous primary schools and Anganwadi centers do not have access to engaging content beyond textbooks. This can lead to monotonous classroom experiences characterized by passive learning, hindering the engagement of early learners and creating a significant barrier to foundational learning.

This is where the need for a well-structured instructional approach comes in. 

Much like a detailed instruction manual guides you through the assembly process, thoughtfully curated and created FLN digital learning content provides teachers with a roadmap for selecting, organizing, and delivering engaging learning experiences based on the developmental needs of early learners.

Let us take you through iPrep’s Approach to structured FLN Digital Learning Content

At iPrep, we’ve put together FLN Digital Learning Content in alignment with the Government of India’s National Curriculum Framework (NCF) guidelines and its  3 developmental goals. Let’s explore the creation of NCF and NCERT-aligned content, enabling teachers with structured teaching approach for the holistic growth of young learners.

NCF’s Development Goal 1: Good Health and Well-being 

To achieve this, iPrep’s FLN Digital Learning Content focuses on 6 competencies. This focuses on sharpening sensory perceptions, developing healthy habits, a fit and flexible body, emotional intelligence, a positive attitude towards productive work and service, and positive regard for the natural environment around them. To enable this, teachers get access to structured engaging lessons, activities, games, assessments, and more to guide children toward achieving 24 specific learning outcomes that contribute to their overall good health and well-being.

NCF’s Development Goal 2: Cultivating Effective Communication

Communication is important for learning social interaction in the early years. To realise this, iPrep’s FLN Digital Learning Content focuses on 3 key communication competencies. This includes developing effective communication skills for day-to-day interactions in 2 languages, fluency in reading and writing in Language 1, and beginning to read and write in Language 2. With targeted content on iPrep, teachers can conduct activities that empower children to express themselves confidently and effectively in various situations and measure through 16 targeted learning outcomes.

NCF’s Development Goal 3: Fostering Engagement with the Environment

We connect FLN learning to the world around the child.  To achieve this, iPrep’s FLN Digital Learning Content focuses on 4 competencies that encourage children to observe, explore, and interact with their environment. This includes developing mathematical understanding to recognize shapes and quantities, developing abilities and sensibilities in visual and performing arts, expressing their emotions through art in meaningful and joyful ways, learning habits to engage actively in formal learning environments, and making sense of the world around them through observation and logical thinking. Further, the learning is measured through 17 targeted learning outcomes.

To realise these goals, we have followed an age-appropriate roadmap where content is categorized as per Preschool 1 (PS1), Preschool 2 (PS2), Preschool 3-Balvatika (PS 3), and Vidya Pravesh to ensure every child is ready for class 1. 

We envision facilitating competency-based learning by breaking down 3 NCF Goals into 13 Competencies, 57 Outcomes

At iDream Education, we believe learning happens only when children actively engage in the learning process. Thus, we are now ready to partner with organizations that work in Early Childhood Education states by supporting their efforts by enabling FLN Content that equips Anganwadi and primary school teachers with comprehensive, curriculum-aligned, and playful FLN content. This approach not only saves valuable time for teachers but also ensures a well-structured approach to teaching as per NCF’s vision.

If you’re working to enhance to improve teaching and learning in primary schools or Anganwadi centers through digital, please contact us at +91 9501110665 or write to us

Ayushi Agarwal is an Assistant Manager - Marketing & Content Writing at iDream Education. With 7+ years of writing, her focus has shifted passionately to education over the past two years. Her dedication lies in researching and crafting content around solutions that address learning gaps, drive sustainable digital learning programs, empower last-mile learners, and ensure educational access for all. This commitment makes her work a valuable asset for social sector leaders seeking to drive change.

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