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A Closer Look at iPrep’s Play-based Path to School Readiness Aligned with Nipun Bharat Vidya Pravesh

iPrep's play-based path to school readiness, aligned with NIPUN Bharat Vidya Pravesh Program

At Anganwadi centers, children are in a very protected environment. Moving from Anganwadi to primary school can be a big change for children. The sudden shift to longer school hours, multiple teachers, and a more rigorous curriculum often leaves young learners feeling overwhelmed and unprepared.  These changes raise concerns on whether children are truly ready for Grade 1. It’s a critical gap and if addressed in early years, could significantly impact a child’s educational journey. 

Here comes, the Nipun Bharat Vidya Pravesh Program

Vidya Pravesh, is a pre-schooling strategy, focuses on equipping young learners with essential foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN) skills to ensure school readiness. By bridging the gap of early years learning before entering into Grade 1, this comprehensive program aims to provide every child with the necessary pre-numeric and literacy competencies.

State governments are actively implementing the goals of the Nipun Bharat Vidya Pravesh

A prime example is the innovative 12-week module introduced by the Education Department of Uttar Pradesh for class one students. This initiative targets children who lack access to formal pre-primary education through a specialized readiness program. Over 12 weeks, these children will be engaged in a series of activities that will develop their pre-literacy, pre-numeracy, and social skills. This will ensure that children are well-prepared for the transition into formal schooling.

Purpose of Nipun Bharat Vidya Pravesh Aligned modules 

These programs bridge the gap in foundational knowledge, enhancing comprehension and making subsequent learning smoother. Further, these modules serve as crucial revision content, reinforcing understanding and enabling confidence as they progress through their academic journey. Ultimately, these programs empower students at both ends of the spectrum, ensuring a solid educational foundation.

iPrep Simplifies Nipun Bharat Vidya Pravesh Implementation for Government School Teachers

iPrep has specifically curated and created content that aligns seamlessly with  Nipun Bharat Vidya Pravesh guidelines. iPrep integrates Vidya Pravesh’s content with FLN content to ensure government school teachers can easily access and effortlessly understand readiness content. This will empower them to equip young learners with essential foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN) skills.

iPrep’s Vidya Pravesh is a Three-month Play-based School Preparation Module for Grade 1 designed in alignment with  NCF and NCERT.

Key Objectives of Vidya Pravesh

The infographic outlines the key objectives of the Vidya Pravesh module, which include enhancing teaching skills, improving student engagement, providing digital learning resources, and promoting inclusive education in primary government schools
  • Promoting School Preparedness: iPrep’s Vidya Pravesh acts as a bridge, making the transition to Grade I smooth and enjoyable for all children. By providing a playful learning environment, it will help children develop social, emotional, and cognitive skills essential for school life.
  • Holistic Development Through Play: The Vidya Pravesh module places a strong emphasis on play-based learning, recognizing its crucial role in a child’s overall development. Through engaging stories, rhymes, games, activities, puzzles, and more, we envision developing critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and collaboration skills among children.
  • Building a Strong Foundation for Literacy and Numeracy: iPrep’s Vidya Pravesh is designed to develop the cognitive and linguistic competencies. These are prerequisites for reading, writing, and numeracy. Incorporating fun and interactive activities will lay a solid foundation for academic outcomes in later years.

Discover the wide array of topics covered in the iPrep’s Vidya Pravesh module

The module comprises subject-wise animated lessons, classroom activities, and assessments, all geared toward fostering a love for learning through play.

  • Animated Lessons: This category offers a comprehensive library of over 200 bite-sized educational videos. It covers diverse topics like colors, shapes, patterns, comparison, plants, birds, environment, and more. Video lessons are carefully curated and created in alignment with NCERT and NCF guidelines. Thus, emphasize on fostering deeper understanding among children of the world around them. This further encourages young learners to connect their studies to real-life experiences and observations.
  • Classroom Activities: The category offers a rich and diverse learning experience with over 20 engaging classroom activities. The activities are designed to ensure there’s no rush or pressure, just the joy of exploration and discovery when learning topics such as My Family, My Cousin,  My Country, My Neighbors, Different types of sounds, Different types of animals, and more. These activities ensure a well-rounded understanding of the world around them while fostering critical thinking and curiosity to learn. 
  • Assessments for the Vidya Pravesh Module are still in progress.

iPrep’s Vidya Pravesh module creates a strong foundation for children’s pre-literacy, pre-numeracy, and social skills through a play-based learning approach. This ensures they are well-prepared for future grade learning and never lose interest in studies due to gaps.

iPrep’s Vidya Pravesh content is given with Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) for Nursery, LKG, and UKG. This equips teachers with comprehensive play-based content to prepare children for foundational learning.

We look forward to enabling iPrep’s FLN content and Vidya Pravesh for early education. The motive is to ensure that every child, irrespective of location, and socio-economic status has access to quality early education and the opportunity to build a strong foundation for future learning. By bridging this gap, we move closer to achieving the Nipun Bharat goal of universal foundational literacy and numeracy.

If you are an NGO or a CSR supporting Early Childhood Education, please contact us at +91 9501110665 or write to us

Ayushi Agarwal is an Assistant Manager - Marketing & Content Writing at iDream Education. With 7+ years of writing, her focus has shifted passionately to education over the past two years. Her dedication lies in researching and crafting content around solutions that address learning gaps, drive sustainable digital learning programs, empower last-mile learners, and ensure educational access for all. This commitment makes her work a valuable asset for social sector leaders seeking to drive change.

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